
  • Agilitas invests in private UK waste management group Impetus

    30 January 2014

    Private equity group Agilitas has acquired an undisclosed stake in Impetus Waste Management, through its support of a management buyout led by managing director Ian Hunter.

  • Conservation finance 'has $300bn a year market potential', says report

    30 January 2014

    The development of a market to finance conservation projects could attract between $200 billion and $300 billion of private capital per year, a new report has claimed.

  • Norway's $800bn 'oil fund' halves coal production holdings

    29 January 2014

    Norway's $800 billion sovereign wealth fund has divested half of its holdings in coal miners over the past two years, its manager has said.

  • Voting opens in EF's Deals of the Year awards

    29 January 2014

    Nominations are now open for the seventh annual Environmental Finance Deals of the Year awards.

  • An inflection point for energy efficiency financing?

    29 January 2014

    There is a tangible sense of frustration at the slow progress being made in scaling up the European energy efficiency market. Traditional players need to learn from the more dynamic markets in the US, or risk being overtaken by rivals with new business models, argues Steven Fawkes

  • Three-quarters of semi-conductor makers rated sub-prime for ESG

    28 January 2014

    Three-quarters of the biggest semi-conductor manufacturers were rated sub-prime after their businesses were analysed for environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, a report has revealed.

  • Storebrand excludes 10 utilities to further reduce coal exposure

    24 January 2014

    Norwegian savings and pensions provider Storebrand has excluded the 10 utilities with highest share of power generation from coal to reduce its exposure to fossil fuels and emissions.

  • Supply chain emissions: overcoming uncertainty

    24 January 2014

    Regulatory uncertainty is deterring companies from investing in emissions reductions, the latest CDP supply chain analysis has found. But there are still enormous opportunities to be unlocked, says Dexter Galvin

  • Impax flagship fund toasts 33% returns in 2013

    23 January 2014

    Impax Asset Management's flagship investment trust celebrated strong returns in 2013, as it benefited from a broad-based recovery in environmental stocks.

  • $100m securitisation fund aims to open energy efficiency markets to investors

    22 January 2014

    A new type of securitisation fund launched today aims to open the energy efficiency markets to investors, with similarities to the way SolarCity's bonds helped make rooftop solar accessible to institutions.