
  • NN IP mulls ESG scoring for infrastructure investments

    13 January 2017

    NN Investment Partners (IP) is considering scoring its infrastructure investments on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials.

  • Investing in a changing climate

    06 December 2016

    Insurers are increasingly factoring climate change into their investment decisions. But they are only at the start of a long learning process, finds Peter Cripps. This is the second part of a three-part series on how insurers are dealing with climate change

  • Aviva earmarks two coal companies for divestment

    04 November 2016

    Aviva has earmarked two coal companies for "potential divestment", and is considering ditching eight others that are not responding to its requests for engagement.

  • Insuring in a changing climate

    10 October 2016

    A year after the PRA's landmark report into the insurance sector and climate change, Environmental Finance looks at how the industry is responding.