
  • Fast-start for UK green investment bank seen as challenging

    01 July 2010

    Advocates of a Green Investment Bank (GIB) in the UK are calling for a 'shadow board' to be established ahead of legislation, warning that delays in establishing a bank could act as a drag on investment.

  • IFC launches $200m green bond

    16 April 2010

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has become the latest development bank to issue a 'green bond'.

  • The green bank bandwagon

    01 April 2010

    It is, it seems, an idea whose time has come. Support is building for the concept of government- backed 'green investment banks', which would use taxpayers' money to help move capital towards the low-carbon investments that will be needed to tackle climate change, helping to address market failures and focus early-stage investment.

  • IMF staffers table $100bn/year climate finance plan

    25 March 2010

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published proposals for raising the $100 billion/year called for in the Copenhagen Accord to tackle climate change in developing countries – proposals it says could help forge an international climate change deal.

  • Japanese investors tapped for green bonds

    01 February 2010

    Nikko Asset Management is to launch a fund this month offering Japanese retail investors exposure to 'green' bonds issued by the World Bank.

  • Nikko to launch green bond fund in Japan

    28 January 2010

    Nikko Asset Management (Nikko AM) has developed a fund for the Japanese retail market that will invest mainly in 'green' bonds issued by the World Bank.

  • EIB, World Bank sell $450m of green bonds

    05 December 2009

    Scandinavian institutional investors led purchases of $450 million worth of 'green' bonds recently issued by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank, which will finance projects that address climate change.

  • EIB sells $320m of green bonds to Scandinavian investors

    05 November 2009

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has sold a total of SEK2.25 billion ($320 million) in bonds to Scandinavian investors, the proceeds of which will be used to finance renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

  • Power to the people

    01 September 2007

    The growing enthusiasm for biofuels touches many of the world's high-profile issues: energy, the environment, food supply, trade and a large dose of international politics. Vic Wyman reports