
  • German court to rule on ISS ESG ratings report injunction

    23 March 2020
  • ESG Data Files, part eight: Infrastructure, continued

    10 March 2020

    As well as considering the ESG credentials of an infrastructure project, investors should also consider resilience. Christopher Marchant reports

  • Sustainalytics targets high-risk companies with 'material risk engagement'

    04 March 2020
  • ESG Data Files, part eight: Infrastructure

    03 March 2020

    With its broad scope from airports to hospitals, wind farms to oil pipelines, assessing ESG data in the infrastructure sphere comes with a wide array of challenges. Christopher Marchant spoke to experts in the sector about the ongoing push for in standardisation and disclosure.

  • ESG data webinar: Unfiltered data and AI under the MSCI microscope

    21 February 2020

    Speakers from MSCI and the EU's Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) will discuss how investors can make the most of unfiltered data, on a webinar hosted by Environmental Finance.

  • Sustainalytics opens up risk ratings data to investors

    20 February 2020

    Sustainalytics has expanded its offering of environmental, social and governance (ESG) data to provide investors with some of the information it uses in its ESG Risk Ratings methodology.

  • Biodiversity, shipping among Sustainalytics' impact trends for 2020

    03 February 2020

    Sustainalytics has identified biodiversity and 'cleaner shipping' among 10 investment themes for 2020 it says look best placed to contribute positively to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and potentially create impact in addition to financial returns.

  • Stock market analysis shows 'flatlining' company disclosure rates

    27 January 2020

    The number of companies disclosing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission data has failed to increase, according to a report by Aviva and Canadian research company Corporate Knights.

  • World Bank working on sovereign ESG engagement guide

    27 January 2020

    The World Bank's treasury plans to publish a guide that will include information on how investors can engage more effectively with issuers of sovereign debt.

  • Technology holds key to impact reporting, UK Impact Investing Institute says

    16 January 2020

    The UK Impact Investing Institute has invited technology companies and data providers to drive the convergence of approaches to measuring and reporting impact, in its first report since it launched.