
  • We must go 'back to basics' on carbon emissions data

    09 May 2022

    The problems with carbon emission disclosure and estimation data remain significant. Only mandatory reporting can solve the issue, Jaakko Kooroshy tells Ahren Lester.

  • EU bodies tasked with including nuclear, gas in SFDR

    09 May 2022
  • Bond market 'sceptical that EU social taxonomy will see light of day'

    06 May 2022

    There is widespread scepticism among bond issuers and investors that the EU social taxonomy will ever come to fruition amid the challenge of finalising even the green taxonomy, according to PriceWaterhousecoopers (PwC).

  • BMO GAM targets biodiversity engagement escalation

    05 May 2022

    BMO Global Asset Management (GAM) said it will widen its corporate engagement on environmental and biodiversity issues in 2022 after escalating action in 2021, in particular focusing on turning commitments into action.

  • Carbon budgets dataset wins investor support

    04 May 2022

    The publication of a massive dataset outlining carbon budgets for companies across 12 sectors has the potential to boost the credibility of investor climate-related target-setting, and support regulation on reporting, observers have said.

  • Russia posed 'challenge' to ESG emerging market benchmarks

    29 April 2022

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine posed a challenge to some environmental, social and governance (ESG) emerging market (EM) benchmarks...

  • SFDR confusion 'may extend for a decade'

    29 April 2022

    It may take as much as 10 years to resolve confusion over how investment managers should classify their funds in line with EU regulation on reporting the extent they pursue sustainability objectives, according to a sustainability expert.

  • EU GBS will bring standardisation - but is not perfect, says Triodos

    29 April 2022

    Proposals for an EU Green Bond Standard (GBS) could bring welcome standardisation to the market - but it could also bring complications, according to investment firm Triodos.

  • NGFS backs ISSB in push for consistency on transition finance

    27 April 2022

    A group of central bankers have added their weight to calls for more rapid harmonisation of approaches to assessing 'green and transition finance'.

  • Moody's unveils ESG portfolio screening kit

    27 April 2022

    Moody's has launched a data platform that provides access to Moody's physical and transition climate risk data sets across a recently expanded universe of 10,000 companies globally.