
  • Data is 'biggest challenge currently to ESG integration'

    24 May 2017

    A lack of robust data is currently the biggest obstacle to environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration, according to a survey by BNP Paribas.

  • PRI partners with CFA on mapping ESG best practice

    23 May 2017

    The UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute have collaborated to produce a global study of environmental, social and governance (ESG) practice within the investment management sector.

  • The impact of youth

    22 May 2017

    Impact investing remains a niche pursuit but could millennials prove a game changer, asks Joe Walsh

  • Fidelity launches two sustainability funds and joins PRI

    19 May 2017

    US asset management giant Fidelity has signed up to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and launched two environmental, social and governance (ESG) focused funds.

  • EF BRIEFS: LGX, Responsible Investing, RGGI

    18 May 2017

    The Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX), the Luxembourg Stock Exchange's (LuxSE) green bond listing service, has opened a window dedicated to social and sustainable bonds.

  • ERAFP to invest €50m combating climate change

    18 May 2017

    French public sector pension fund ERAFP will invest €50 million ($55.6 million) to combat climate change, in addition to money it has already committed to socially responsible investments.

  • Finance sector gets guidance on Natural Capital Protocol

    17 May 2017

    Guidance has been issued to provide financial institutions with a structured framework to identify, measure and value natural capital within their banking, investment and insurance activities.

  • Wheb details impact of its sustainability fund

    17 May 2017

    Specialist investment firm Wheb Asset Management has estimated the environmental impact of its FP Wheb Sustainability fund and said that all the fund's holdings directly support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Mapping the finance for Paris

    16 May 2017

    Ian Callaghan and Tessa Tennant examine who is doing what to help finance the commitments made as part of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

  • PRI launches hedge fund ESG questionnaire

    11 May 2017

    The UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has launched a responsible investment due diligence questionnaire (RI DDQ) for the hedge fund industry, that they hope will foster better understanding of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.