
  • MSCI launches combined factor and ESG exposure indexes

    29 September 2017

    MSCI has launched a set of indexes that combine environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance with other factors.

  • Daiwa launches ETF tracking FTSE Blossom Japan ESG index

    28 September 2017

    Japanese firm Daiwa Asset Management has launched an ETF that will track the FTSE Blossom Japan Index to underlie its environmental, social and governance (ESG)-themed exchange-traded fund (ETF).

  • Investors plan GHG engagement campaign with large emitters

    27 September 2017

    A call to arms went out to investors today to join a new initiative that aims to engage with the 100 biggest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting companies globally.

  • Figueres throws down climate gauntlet to PRI

    27 September 2017

    Christiana Figueres threw down a climate gauntlet to signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) by challenging them to put 1% of their assets into clean energy or clean tech by 2020.

  • Investors support plea for integrated corporate reporting

    27 September 2017

    A group of leading investors, with nearly $2 trillion in assets under management, is calling for companies to integrate their reporting of financial and non-financial data.

  • WBCSD helps companies navigate ESG reporting requirements

    26 September 2017

    A free online platform to help companies and investors understand the wide variety of non-financial reporting requirements in place around the world, has been launched by the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

  • Investment consultants pledge to act on ESG guidance

    25 September 2017

    Recent regulatory guidance that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors should be taken into account by pension funds where they are financially material "puts trustees and their advisers under an obligation to react," according to two leading industry bodies.

  • Demonstrating positive impact for mainstream investment strategies

    25 September 2017

    Chris Greenwald explores some innovative approaches to expand SDG-aligned impact investing opportunities to a wider range of asset classes and investors.

  • The dawn of a new age for reporting?

    22 September 2017

    The TCFD has challenged companies to up their game on reporting climate-related risks. But how will the market respond, asks Peter Cripps

  • ESG indexes: in the sweet spot

    20 September 2017

    Billions have flowed into funds tracking ESG indexes or low-carbon indexes in recent months. What are the innovations that will drive further growth, asks Peter Cripps