
  • More than 800 companies failing to price in carbon risk, CDP says

    12 October 2017

    More than 800 laggards are potentially at risk from future regulatory changes for carbon emissions because they don't have a plan to use internal carbon pricing, a report by CDP has found.

  • Finnish fund Elo joins IIGCC to strengthen engagement

    10 October 2017

    Finnish pension fund Elo has joined the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) to reinforce its new climate change strategy.

  • Insurers blacklist illegal fishing boats

    10 October 2017

    More than 20 leading insurers have pledged to stop underwriting vessels that have been blacklisted for their involvement in illegal fishing.

  • ESG benchmarks are "ultimate step" for responsible investors

    09 October 2017

    The "ultimate step" for an asset owner looking to integrate sustainability concerns into their investments decisions should be the adoption of environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks, Swiss Re has argued.

  • Folksam CIO: "There is simply no reason not to continue investing in green bonds"

    09 October 2017

    Michael Kjeller, chief investment officer of Swedish pensions and insurance provider Folksam, discusses his firm's decision to raise its target for green bond investment

  • Dutch central bank warns of green bubbles and greenwashing

    06 October 2017

    The Dutch central bank (DNB) has warned that the boom in green finance holds the risk of bubbles and greenwashing and warns against looser regulation for such products.

  • 40 Catholic institutions commit to fossil fuel divestment

    05 October 2017

    A group of 40 Catholic institutions has committed to divest from fossil fuels in what is the largest of any such agreement by the Catholic Church.

  • Northern Trust launches first European funds to track MSCI ESG index

    04 October 2017

    Two of Northern Trust's environmental, social and governance (ESG)-themed funds, of up to $550 million in size, will become the first in Europe to track the MSCI World ESG Leaders index.

  • A development agenda

    02 October 2017

    South Africa's largest asset owner, the GEPF, owns more than 10% of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange giving it immense influence over its portfolio companies to bring about environmental and transformative change. Joe Walsh reports

  • Major investors step up support for climate-risk resolutions

    02 October 2017

    Institutional investor support for shareholder resolutions on climate-related risks is at a turning point, according to UK non-profit ShareAction.