
  • Trucost warns of potential hit to corporate profits from Paris Agreement

    18 January 2018

    New policies and taxes aimed at helping countries meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change "could lead to significant losses" for many companies, according to Trucost.

  • BlackRock founder urges business leaders to contribute more to society

    17 January 2018

    BlackRock's founder and CEO Larry Fink has sent a letter to other CEOs telling them to do more to contribute to society or risk losing BlackRock's support.

  • ESG sector needs more simple data and definitions, says Northern Trust

    17 January 2018

    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) data and metrics must be simplified to reflect the increasing importance of these factors for investors, according to Northern Trust Asset Management.

  • Survey aims to discover world's greenest financial centres

    16 January 2018

    A survey has been launched that aims to compile a Global Green Finance Index (GGFI) by ranking the world's financial centres according to the quality and depth of their 'green finance' offerings.

  • UK parliament to weigh merits of making TCFD mandatory

    14 January 2018

    An independent audit committee is to examine whether the recommendations of the FSB's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) should be made mandatory by the UK government.

  • Candriam global high-yield fund is first to be awarded French SRI label

    08 January 2018

    A global high-yield fund from Luxembourg-based asset manager Candriam has become the first to receive the French Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) label.

  • Impact investing and Sustainable Development Goals

    02 January 2018

    UN's SDGs are moving impact investing to the next level - taking the concept into the mainstream is way forward, argues Masja Zandbergen

  • The role of ESG in fiduciary duty needs clarity

    27 December 2017

    Investors should endorse the European Commission's mission to clarify how environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors form a central part of their fiduciary duty, Nathan Fabian says

  • UK pension funds could be required to state ESG policy

    18 December 2017

    UK pension trustees could be required to state their investment policies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, as well as their approach to voting and engagement, with the introduction of new regulation next year.

  • Major investors demand more action from ESG index providers

    12 December 2017

    Equity index providers were urged by two of the world's largest investment organisations to develop more 'useable' indexes based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.